Simone is taking a photo of the beautiful spring flowers!
What is your favorite memory/ moment that brought you lots of joy? My favorite memory from this year is when I was accepted to the Disney Dreamers Academy. I was able to meet and stay in contact with lots of wonderful, like-minded people!
What is something people generally don’t know about you? A lot of people don't know that I really love listening to music and dancing.
Who is Simone Till? I'm a living irony. My name, Simone, means the one who hears. I like to define myself as someone who is very passionate in advocating and helping different communities.
What gets your fired up about the disability movement? What gets me fired up are the opportunities to take action. There are many issues that still needs to addressed. I am beginning to realize the voice that I have for this movement.
What is your advocacy platform? I am in the current state of expanding my platform. My platform is an interview-based podcast called, "Finding Your Why." We are highlighting young individuals who are making a difference in their community.
What barriers or challenges do you face in this movement? A barrier that I faced was not knowing of who I was as a person and what my disability truly mean to me. Nobody could relate to my problems because I was the only deaf person out of my family and my classmates. This is why I am driven to produce content for others who can relate to this experience.
What do you want those who do not identify with disability to know? I want others to know to not be embarrassed for not knowing about a certain disability. I always enjoy teaching others on my disability. Don't be afraid to ask! (In a polite way, of course.)
What areas are you still growing/hope to grow? Personally? Professionally? Oh gosh, I want to grow in many areas of myself. I would say that the priority is to be more confident of myself and to expand my platform.
Who was the person/role model who inspired you to look into disability advocacy? Why/how did they inspire you? I wouldn't even say it's one person who inspired me. I admire all the people that are representing and advocating for us in the media. That includes you guys and others such as Nyle DiMarco and Marlee Matlin.
When people look at you/up to you, what do you hope they see? I hope that they see is that everything that I do is from the bottom of my heart. I also hope that they become inspired to help and empower others.
What are your next steps? I have been fortunate that during these times, I am able to do fun projects. I am working next on a blog series called, "Extraordinary Individuals." This will focus on highlighting individuals with disabilities that are doing amazing things! I have other plans as well, but it's a surprise for now. Follow me on social to hear more!
How do we follow you?! My personal Insta account is @simonetill
My podcast Insta account is @finding_your_why
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