D: What is your favorite way to pass time? K: Weight lifting : it clears my mind. Makes me stronger mentally and Physically.
D: What is something people generally don’t know about you? K: My favorite show is Suites; I include my nub to count so I count in multiples of 6.
D:Who is Kevin Herbert? K: I would have to Say Kevin Herbert is someone who wants to see the good in people. Strong, positive, motivated, determined to make a difference.
D :What gets your fired up about the disability movement?
K: #DoMoreWithLess — disabled people fight everyday to conquer struggle and judgement. Despite this, we fight the good fight and is incredibly admirable. I am proud to be associated with this movement.
D: What barriers or challenges do you face in this movement? (or in life) K: I’m an impulsive spender SMH. Equally face the challenges of possibilities physically and constantly look to rise above them.
D: What do you want those who do not identify with disability to know? K: We’re all human and we all have our own struggles. When a person looks down on others they become less. When you see past struggle , you can find greatness in everyone. Remember, it takes weakness to point out weakness because it’s easy. It takes strength to recognize strength, think about that.
D: What areas are you still growing/hope to grow? Personally? Professionally? K: Personally , I look to grow away from being impulsive, flaky, and better with my finances. Professionally, to build self confidence and create hope one individual at a time.
D: Who was the person/role model who inspired you to look into disability advocacy? Why/how did they inspire you? K: Well, this is a very hard question because as I’ve grown through life different people contributed to inspire myself to do be , be better. My family never limited nor saw me as someone who “couldn’t”. Jim Abbott in early childhood years watching him pitch, and really the amputee population who “ Do not Fear limitations, they thrive on pushing through them”. Big shout out to Vincentown, NJ friends Brad R, Brad U, Jason F, Zach S. Who pushed for me to do more; excuse was never an option.
D: When people look at you/up to you, what do you hope they see? K: A guy who wanted a better life for himself and those around him. I want them to see someone who never gave up no matter how hard life knocked him down, how many tests god put him through maximize and appreciate strength. And to use that very strength to lift others who need a hand.
D: What are your next steps? (Fun projects you are working on that you want to promote?) K: Launching “Stubonic” was the biggest milestone / learning experience up to this point in my life. Some future steps are to branch out from what I know ( fitness, apparel , business ) and get into acting, writing, adventure; a more creative side. In addition to volunteer more with amputee organizations, public speaking at schools.
Follow Kevin: Instagram: @stubonic
What to be featured as an advocate? Send is a message or email us at disarmingdisability@gmail.com
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