D: What is your favorite way to pass time?
K: I love to kayak, travel, and watch a good Bollywood movie
D: What is something people generally don’t know about you?
K: I have an completely ridiculous fear of swimming with fish
D: Who is Kendra?
K: I am an advocate who believes disability is an asset to society.
D: What gets your fired up about the disability movement? K: The disability movement is so inclusive. I love the disability community and its diversity and acceptance. I am so grateful to be a part of such a positive, uplifting community which fights for the basic human rights of all beings. disability is cross-cutting across all identities and that power makes it vibrant.
D: What is your advocacy platform?
K: Equal access to education.
D: What barriers or challenges do you face in this movement? K: The social stigmas of disability are still prominent everywhere I go. Changing the perception of the disabled community is hard but worth it! Challenging stigmas is my favorite hobby I get to do everyday. For instance, recently I decided to go to law school, many people I knew were shocked. They expressed that disabled people can't go to law school. Sometimes you just have to laugh about it. My husband and I got asked -twice- this week if we could have kids *hint hint disabled people can be lovers too*
D: What do you want those who do not identify with disability to know?
K: Becoming paralyzed has been liberating, not burdensome; invigorating, not alienating.
D: What areas are you still growing/hope to grow?
K: I hope that I can become a better advocate and positive force for others.
D: When people look at you/up to you, what do you hope they see?
K: I hope they see a kind and inclusive force for good.
D: What are your next steps? K: I am so excited to continue working with disabled students to give them a platform for elevating their voices.
D: How do we follow you?! My current research on disability and higher education can be found at EqualAccessCommission.org
If you have any experience with education/disability contact me!
Tw: EqualAccessCom
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